Hem Projekt Richer Archipelago Landscape Richer Archipelago Landscape Richer Archipelago Landscape is a development project and a partnership between the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), the Uppland Foundation and the Archipelago Foundation. The project is finished and ran between 2014-2018. The purpose of the project is to preserve the archipelago’s ecosystem and its services for the future. Through the long-term, sustainable management of the archipelago we want to counteract negative developments in terms of the decline of flora and fauna as well as the decreased water quality in the project area. The objective of the project is for the partnership to lead to actual improvements in the area and to provide examples of management measures that benefit the natural environment. This will be done through means such as restoring wetlands and the watercourses that feed them, restoration of meadows and pasture and forest grazing, as well as specific measures for disadvantaged and endangered species in the project area. Project information Projektansvarig Sara LindhTel: 08-123 124 00 Project period 2014 till 2018
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