Hem Projekt Sustainable Gateways Sustainable Gateways The purpose of the project was to develop sustainable and attractive “gates” to protected nature through sustainable environmental solutions and increased business professionalism among harbor entrepreneurs. The result was increased nature tourism directed to the guest harbors to protect nature in Finland’s marine national parks and the Stockholm archipelago nature reserves. The project is finished and ran between 2018-2020. The project ports in Sweden are Grinda, Utö and Nåttarö. In Finland, the harbors of Katanpää, Bodö, Örö and Jussarö have been part of the project. Guidelines for Sustainable Harbor Development Nåttarö Nåttarö in Stockholm’s southern archipelago has previously only had a few places for visiting boats at the tour boat pier. The project has enabled two new floating piers that in total provide space for about 50 boats in the guest harbor. A new service house with toilets, showers, sauna and port office has been built near the restaurant. Investment report Nåttarö Utö Utö guest harbor is a well-visited harbor with good service for boat guests. The service house from 1976 has now received a much-needed renovation and modernization within the framework of the project. Investment report Utö Grinda Grinda guest harbor is visited every year by many boats. In order to be able to cope with the increasing amounts of sewage, the capacity of the sewage system has been expanded. A project that is not visible, but which has a very positive effect on the possibility of continuing to receive visitors in an environmentally sustainable way. Investment report Grinda Project information Project manage Pia BergTel: 08-123 124 20pia.berg@skargardsstiftelsen.se Project period 1/2 2018 till 31/10 2020 Funding 1.730 000 €
Mnemosynefjäril i Riddersholm Mnemosynefjäril i Riddersholm Mnemosynefjärilen är en sällsynt och rödlistad art som lever i mosaikartade ängsmarker. Fjärilen är starkt beroende av dessa specifika livsmiljöer... Läs mer
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Ålö våtmark Ålö våtmark Våtmarken på Ålö är en av de största i sitt slag i Stockholms skärgård och ca 9 ha stor. Du hittar den nära Ålö gård söder om ön Utö. Läs mer